Friday, July 20, 2012

Dear Duchess Rebecca Of the Central Coast,
     Well I took time out of practice to catch up with you my dear friend, I fear being the daughter of the King of the Sea has it's downfalls. I mean the pros are that as a Mermaid Princess I am beautiful and lithe, and talented and rich, and sought after by all the most handsome Mermen. The cons, well I have to constantly sing and dance and titter and giggle and be pleasant... If I am not all of these things then daddy gets his scales in a knot and I am forced to babysit the young Merkids at the Cotillions and Balls, and I really loathe anyone under 4 feet tall, so I try to be all that I can be, or fake as much as I can!
     I do miss you terribly, and although I'm glad you found the love of your life and are now reigning Duchess in your sector of the ocean, I do wish that Clem had decided to live nearer to the Kingdom so I could see you. I never had to fake a giggle or titter with you, I truly enjoyed all our times together! Exploring caves, and sunken ships! Pilfering sweets from the kitchen when Maude was too busy cooking to notice! Flirting with all the Service Mermen as they swam in their sharp uniforms... Oh such good times! I wanted to be courted by a Service Merman, but daddy says I am to only entertain royalty... Boring trout that they usually are it's rather a trial to be giddy around them. He has told me that he is in negotiations with the Chapman clan to the South, their son Dwayne Lee is the most eligible bachelor around, although I have never seen him, let alone met him, it appears we may indeed be getting married. Our lives being Negotiated and sold like a pretty conch at the Seaside market. It seems unfair, but as daddy has always said, being born into royalty leaves you with certain responsibilities, and with those often comes sacrifice from what you truly desire, and you must think of what's best for the Kingdom. I am currently practicing the dance routines for the Ball in which we are to meet, I suppose they want to see how we respond to each other before signing any binding contracts, I suppose that's a small consideration. Well I have 'dallied' long enough according to my sister Aviana, so I will finish this later my friend.

   I can't believe my luck! Dwayne Lee is the most handsome and jovial Mermen I have ever met! He is brawny and scruffy and has the most beautiful fin scales of all the Mermen in the Kingdom! And the best part is that he is smitten with me! I of course played it very cool, and coy, even demure. He couldn't take his eyes off of me, I sang and danced more gracefully than ever before, it's like his presence calmed me yet energized me in a way I've never known before! His voice is my Siren, his touch my Kryptonite, we were meant to be Rebecca, I can feel it in my fins! When we were first officially introduced and I looked into his eyes, it was like coming home... We danced and laughed and talked into the wee hours of the night, we swam to a more private cove and talked in depth about our lives, our dreams, our passions! He made me laugh, and I sigh at the memory of his smile :) Needless to say I told daddy I was perfectly content with him signing the treaty between our family's that would be sealed by our marriage!! I did however tell daddy that Dwayne Lee would have to propose, every girl deserves a proposal, even if it has to be mentioned in a contract. We have a date tonight so I anticipate it then! Oh Rebecca did you ever imagine me married?! I feared the day wouldn't come, my stubbornness and knack for trouble had be thinking daddy would send me to the Seanunnery! But I will be a Queen, and a happy one I believe! I cannot wait to rub this is Jennifer's face! You remember when she stole Josh right out from under me!! With her sultry Seaforeign ways!! So what if she was from the far East coast, I hear those Mermaids can't even make a proper seaweed scarf! But anyway, I am over him of course, but I still won't mind holding my title and happiness over her head, filthy peasant! Not that I'm bitter or anything... Of course not...


     He took me to this lovely Clam Bar that serves the most delicious Scallop Salad you've ever tasted, and he put my ring in the cutest Coral box he made himself! He told me that even if it wouldn't benefit our families that he was in Love with me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, swimming by my side forever! He was so nervous, and handsome, I of course said yes and was overjoyed at how romantic he was! He then took me on a midnight whale ride, while schools of fish danced in joy around us! I found out he loves to cook, and he dreams of being in law enforcement off the coast of Hawaii, I assured him I was okay with that, and that I would support his dreams because I'm just that awesome. He said he loves music, and dancing, at which point his grabbed me and we started to dance in the shimmering water, back lit by the moon, he whispered endearments into my ear as he held me close, I will never ever forget that night. I always thought I wold be duty bound to the Merman I would have one day been forced to marry, but I am truly happy and in love, it's meant to be, written in the sea and the stars! He reluctantly swam me home, and assured me that he wanted our union to take place as soon as possible, and that we would start working on the plans the next day, he really wants to be involved and help make decisions, I fell asleep with a smile on my face that night :) 

     I do hope you will be my Mermaid of Honor!! You must come to the Kingdom as soon as possible so we can begin to really plan!! There are flowers, and dresses, and the catering, and the hair and make-up, and music!! I am so excited!! I realize Dwayne Lee wants to be involved, but let's be real, the details are up to us! I think I will make my sisters wear dresses that make their Fins look fat... they have been so jealous and hateful to me lately! They called you foul names when you got married too, so we can totally take out our revenge on them now!! Mer-wenches! We must have lunch soon, I am hoping to have this all planned and over in six months, so have your assistant check your schedule and fit me in for a lunch next week! I cleared my lunch hour all of next week so we wouldn't have any conflict. Feel free to bring Clem, I would love for him and Dwayne Lee to be besties like we are! I'm sure they will hit it off! I mean Clem isn't insecure so he shouldn't be intimidated by the brawn and charm of Dwayne Lee, they should get along just fine! Well I need to start looking at colors and narrowing it down, I do hope to see you next week! 

Love you! 
Soon to be Queen Lindsey of the South

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